Баллада "Призрак Авалона" была написана Анной Тихоплав в 2014 году, вдохновением к написанию послужил кельтский эпос и кельтская культура. Инструментальный вариант на оригинальную аранжировку исполнил Дмитрий Земский. В настоящее время различные коллективы музыкантов играют произведение, дополняя его своей импровизацией.
Вокальный вариант исполнила модель Валерия Лукьянова (Amatue). Вокальную версию Вы можете прослушать в разделе вокальная музыка.
The idea of the work and video is to show the spring beauty. This video is designed to show young people the highest academic musical art on a more comprehensive level. The overall objective of my music - to inculcate high moral values, morality, love for high art. Music and video conveys admiration from the contemplation of nature, it puts to the fore harmonising the mental and emotional state of the viewer, as opposed to the heavy and the accelerated pace of life in metropolitan areas, complete bustle.
Against the backdrop of rapidly growing entertainment business towards spiritual impoverishment, destruction of the moral foundations of society, developed over centuries, is the destruction of the fundamental principles of life of personality development: the ability to get positive emotions from the contemplation of the purity of nature; the ability to receive pleasure and joy from the high music, the ability to believe in goodness, humility, purity naive child.
Shows and movies on the screen of the modern TV often demonstrate a loyal attitude to violence, tragedy, suffering, to debauchery, casual sex, depression, tears, discouragement, thereby adapting the nervous system to the perception of negative images with the subsequent introduction into the human consciousness of negativity as the norm, a normal phenomenon.
It emphasised the importance of having each young man such a negative experience. In general, information flow, together with the negative nature of the information can not see an alternative - a story about traditional values and positive perception of life in general.
This piece of music, as well as video, designed to evoke positive emotions, the joy of the process of life, a holistic understanding of the picture of the world, happy contemplation of the beauty of nature and humans live in harmony with nature.
Long classic dresses girls show femininity, inaccessibility, cleanliness.
Ultramarine- deep blue colour, the colour of the sky before sundown, dark blue is the traditional and the clergy of various religions.
Sea play skilfully imitated in the piano, as well as audible and in lots of other tools by simulating the dynamics of the music of nature.
The sea is life, water. Offshore wind carries with it all the problems and hardships, negative, which was once in the past.
The video shows a spring refresh cycle of nature. Demonstration of such colourful and positive images of people contributes to the restoration of the psyche and the harmonisation of society as a whole.
Ритмы моря / Sea rhytms - music by ©Anna Tikhoplav
Над треком работали:
Сопрано- Мечислава Черсак
Меццо-сопрано-Анна Тихоплав
фортепиано, аранжировка -Анна Тихоплав
Перкуссия - Олег Резниченко
Сведение и мастеринг- Дмитрий Дегтерёв
Студия звукозаписи Astoplilot records (2018)
В видео ряде были использованы картины Ивана Айвазовского.
Мечислава Черсак: https://vk.com/id191352584
Anna Tikhoplav - composer, arranger, pianist
Анна Тихоплав - композитор, аранжировщик, пианистка
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